RADEX 1503+ is the upgraded version of the old RADEX 1503.
The precision of radiation level measurements is achieved through special signal processing algorithms which come from a high-quality SBM-20-1 radiation sensor manufactured by the renowned and acclaimed RosAtom corporation.
Quality components and constant monitoring during all stages of production ensure reliability and a long operation cycle of the dosimeter.
No need to worry here about new batteries or dosimeter charging, because the continuous operation time for the RADEX RD1503+ dosimeter having two AAA batteries and an active screen is over 550 hours (normal conditions). With casual use, one set of batteries can last for up to 1 year.
Technical characteristics of our dosimeters are verified by the Certificate of Compliance in compliance with the government standards of GOST 27451-87 – “Means of measuring ionizing radiation. General specifications.”
The radiation dosimeter measures Gamma, Beta, and X-ray radiation.
It is very easy to measure the level of radiation. All you need are three simple steps:
1- Switch the device ON by pressing a button.
2- Move the dosimeter close to an object.
3- Wait for results on the screen.
To be mindful of radiation there is no need to keep an eye on the screen. If the dosimeter detects an excess level, the device will react with an audio and/or vibration alarm.
The dosimeter is light and small in size which pocket-friendly or fit even in a small handbag.
Thanks to the high-quality backlit LCD screen the measurement results are easy to see even on a sunny day or at night. This screen shows only the most necessary data that is easy to understand.
Features: - Detect and Measure β (Beta), γ (Gamma) and X-ray Radiation
- Simple interface
- Multi-threshold audio alarm with range from 0.10 to 0.90 µSv/h
- BACKGROUND mode detection: designed to detect sources of higher radiation compared to base level
Specifications Summary: - Gamma and Beta radiation detection
- Use a Geiger-Muller type of detection similar to the one used in professional dosimetric devices
- Two measurement units (µSv/h and µRem/h)
- Fast measurement cycle: 40 sec for standardized measurement with 10-sec initial result
- Detection range: 0.05~9.99 µSv/h
- Precise measurement: ±15% accuracy
- Vibration alarm
- Multi-threshold audio alarm with range from 0.10 to 0.90 µSv/h with an 0.10 µSv/h interval
- BACKGROUND mode detection: designed to detect sources of higher radiation compared to base level 40 second initial reading
- Requires 2 x AAA batteries (included).
User Manual & Product Specifications (pdf format in english)

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Professionisti del Radon accreditati dall’NRPP: Niton è la prima ed unica società in Italia che si avvale, per i rilievi Radon, di professionisti certificati dal National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) degli Stati Uniti. Perché quando affermiamo di essere specialisti del Radon, abbiamo le carte per dimostrarlo!
FIDOtrack: FIDOtrack è il sistema di misura della concentrazione di Radon per il medio e lungo periodo. Semplice da usare, ricevi i rivelatori, li posizioni, al termine del periodo di esposizione ce li rimandi e ricevi via e-mail un certificato ufficiale con l’esito delle misure. Niton è risultato uno dei migliori laboratori europei nella prova di Interconfronto 2019 organizzato dall’Istituto Tedesco Bfs, con i propri rivelatori FIDOtrack.
Aspiratori di Radon: NITON srl è distributore ufficiale dei prodotti RadonAway ed è distributore esclusivo degli aspiratori RadonAway in Italia.
Cerchi un professionista del Radon per un’indagine approfondita del tuo immobile? Contattaci al numero 0222197130 o tramite e-mail all’indirizzo [email protected]
alberto (▶️) –
Ottimo prodotto. Facine nell’utilizzo e di qualità
RM Admin (store manager) –
Grazie mille per la sua recensione, siamo felici che i nostri prodotti abbiano soddisfatto le sue esigenze.
Marco Passarella (▶️) –
semplice e funzionale
RM Admin (store manager) –
Grazie mille per la sua recensione, siamo felici che i nostri prodotti abbiano soddisfatto le sue esigenze.