The development of the Radon daughter product dosimeter was initiated by the German Federal Office of Radiation Protection (BfS). The instrument is also qualified for the continuous measurement of Radon progeny concentration.
In combination with a Radon monitor (like RTM1688-2), an inexpensive system for Equilibrium Factor measurements is offered. Dimensions and weight were designed to ensure the mobility of the wearer of the Radon daughter product dosimeter. The internal rechargeable battery allows autonomous operation of more than 40 hours. Due to the optimised sampling head, no other maintenance is required than a monthly filter replacement (continuous operation at normal dust pollution).
The display of the Radon daughter product dosimeter can be toggled between the “Potential Alpha Energy Exposure (PAEE)”, the equivalent dose and the actual concentration levels, PAEC as well as “Equilibrium Equivalent Radon Concentration (EEC)”. The dose calculation is based on a user defined dose conversion coefficient. If the dose value exceeds an adjustable limit, an audible alert will be activated.
The Radon daughter product dosimeter is tamper-proof β several programmable codes are provided to assign the acquired data to a person or location later on.
The time distribution of the Radon daughter product concentration is stored in non-volatile memory and can be transferred to a PC by the infrared interface. A special infrared adapter with USB connection is required.
TheΒ Radon daughter product dosimeterΒ will be shipped with the actual version of the Radon Vision software.
DOSEman PRO Includes
+ Infra-Red-DataTransferModule
For PC or Laptop USB port.
Enables the setup configuration of DOSEman to adjust measurement parameter and to transfer measurement results.
Diameter: 70mm, Height: 25mm
+ Battery Charger
+ Developed within a project of the German Federal Office of Radiation Protection
+ Measurement principals: Continuous deposition of radon and thoron daughter products on a membrane filter, pump, semiconductor detector, alpha-spectroscopy
+ Permanent filter analysis
+ Indication: PAEE, PAEC, EEC, equivalent dose, Po-218 concentration
+ Data communicationΒ via IR adapter
+ Easy one-button operation with dose alert
+ proven operation in personal protection, in industry and research for several years + Including a battery charger free of charge!
SARAD GmbH provides a general 24-month warranty for customers in the European Union countries and 12 months for customers outside of the EU. The warranty period begins with the receipt of the goods by the customer. We reserve the right to rectification.

Il team NITON srl nasce nel 2017 dalla volontΓ di creare un gruppo di persone che si sono scelte, unite dalla condivisione degli stessi valori professionali ed umani: dedizione al lavoro, onestΓ intellettuale, etica e rispetto dellβambiente a 360Β°.
Professionisti del Radon accreditati dallβNRPP:Β NitonΒ Γ¨ la prima ed unica societΓ in ItaliaΒ che si avvale, per i rilievi Radon, di professionisti certificati dal National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) degli Stati Uniti.Β PerchΓ© quando affermiamo di essere specialisti del Radon, abbiamo le carte per dimostrarlo!
FIDOtrack: FIDOtrack Γ¨ il sistema di misura della concentrazione di Radon per il medio e lungo periodo. Semplice da usare, ricevi i rivelatori, li posizioni, al termine del periodo di esposizione ce li rimandi e ricevi via e-mail un certificato ufficiale con lβesito delle misure.Β Niton Γ¨ risultato uno dei migliori laboratori europei nella prova di Interconfronto 2019 organizzato dallβIstituto Tedesco Bfs, con i propri rivelatori FIDOtrack.
Aspiratori di Radon:Β NITON srl Γ¨ distributore ufficiale dei prodotti RadonAway ed Γ¨ distributore esclusivo degli aspiratori RadonAway in Italia.
Cerchi un professionista del Radon per unβindagine approfondita del tuo immobile? Contattaci al numeroΒ 0222197130Β o tramite e-mail allβindirizzoΒ [email protected]
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