By connection of up to four additional radon chambers (soil gas probe, indoor air sensor) it is possible to measure the radon concentration in different rooms with one radon/thoron monitor. In addition, differential pressure and temperature sensors may complete a sampling system to investigate the radon transportation processes in buildings and facilities.
Another application is the geophysical instrumentation, where water analytics and sampling of soil gases can be integrated. A spectroscopic NaI(Tl) gamma detector and/or gas sensors for carbon monoxide and combustible gases are very helpful for the mining and uranium industry. There is no limit to your ideas.
The radon measurement chamber, based on the principle of high voltage collection, offers high sensitivity at a small internal volume. This is a big advantage for thoron sensitivity and it allows us to use a small pump rate which is often important (soil gas sampling).
The long term contamination by Polonium-210, known from other measurement principals is completely rejected. There is no cross-sensitivity to ambient gamma radiation. Due to its special design, the chamber is not sensitive against variations of the ambient humidity. The commonly used drying equipment for instruments using this principal is not required for the RTM 2200.
We use high-quality silicon radiation detectors inside the chamber to separate the various radon daughter products by alpha spectroscopy.
Quality assurance is a basic concern of every radiation measurement. Therefore, the radon/thoron monitor RTM 2200 saves a complete alpha spectrum for each data record. The spectrum always allows checking the error-free operation of the unit.
All results are presented on a large display with touch buttons. A SD memory card allows collecting a huge amount of data if necessary. Each record will be stamped by the GPS coordinates if the GPS option has been chosen. Data transfer is realized by the USB port and serial interface (RS-232). The RS-232 allows the connection of broadband mobile modems. Optionally, the serial port can be replaced by an integrated wireless network adapter (Net Monitors).
Radon chamber (Internal) +Detector: 4 x 200mm² ion-implanted silicon detector
+Internal volume: 250mm³ (total volume of the internal air loop)
+Range: 0…10 MBq/m³
+Sensitivity: 3 or 7 cpm/(kBq/m³) for fast or slow mode
+Response time: 12 or 120 min for fast or slow mode
+Results: Radon concentration fast (excl. Po-214) and slow (incl. Po-214); Thoron concentration; Storage of time distribution and spectra
+Pump: High-quality membrane pump; Flow rate of 0.3 l/min controlled by a processor
Gamma probe (Optional), Connected by a cable to front panel of the RTM2200 +Detector: NaJ(Tl) with integrated PMT and HV supply; Scintillation crystal 2“ x 2“; Energy range for Spectroscopy 40 keV – 2.7 MeV; Resolution 8% (Cs-137)
+Results: Local dose rate, net activity of six user-defined nuclides; Storage of time distribution and spectra
+Dimensions of probe: Diameter 60 mm, Length 260 mm; Connection cable 5 m (optional 10 m)
Additional Radon chambers, Connected by a cable to front panel of the RTM2200 +Soil gas probe: Stainless steel probe for permanent installation in the soil, additional sensors for humidity and temperature (for specification see datasheet)
+Indoor air sensor: Like internal Radon chamber, pump or diffusion (for specification see datasheet)
+Results: Like internal Radon chamber
Additional sensors +Standard unit (internal): Rel. humidity 0 …100%, accuracy ± 2%; Temperature -20 … 40°C, accuracy ± 0.5°C; Bar. pressure 800 … 1200mbar, accuracy 0.5% MW; Flow rate of 0 … 0.6 l/min, accuracy ± 5%; Humidity/temperature sensor inside the air internal air loop
+Air analytic (optional): CO, CO2, CH4, combustible gases, etc., various ranges available
+Water analytic (optional): pH-value, redox potential, conductivity, etc.
+Process (optional): Pressure, differential pressure, flow rate, stream velocity, soil moisture, etc.
+Meteorology (Optional): Wind direction, Wind speed, etc.
Common +Sampling: Simultaneous sampling of all detectors/sensors with respect to the selected sampling program
+Sampling programs: Storage of up to 16 sampling programs with up to 32 steps
Product Specifications (PDF format in English)
SARAD GmbH provides a general 24-month warranty for customers in the European Union countries and 12 months for customers outside of the EU. The warranty period begins with the receipt of the goods by the customer. We reserve the right to rectification.

Il team NITON srl nasce nel 2017 dalla volontà di creare un gruppo di persone che si sono scelte, unite dalla condivisione degli stessi valori professionali ed umani: dedizione al lavoro, onestà intellettuale, etica e rispetto dell’ambiente a 360°.
Professionisti del Radon accreditati dall’NRPP: Niton è la prima ed unica società in Italia che si avvale, per i rilievi Radon, di professionisti certificati dal National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) degli Stati Uniti. Perché quando affermiamo di essere specialisti del Radon, abbiamo le carte per dimostrarlo!
FIDOtrack: FIDOtrack è il sistema di misura della concentrazione di Radon per il medio e lungo periodo. Semplice da usare, ricevi i rivelatori, li posizioni, al termine del periodo di esposizione ce li rimandi e ricevi via e-mail un certificato ufficiale con l’esito delle misure. Niton è risultato uno dei migliori laboratori europei nella prova di Interconfronto 2019 organizzato dall’Istituto Tedesco Bfs, con i propri rivelatori FIDOtrack.
Aspiratori di Radon: NITON srl è distributore ufficiale dei prodotti RadonAway ed è distributore esclusivo degli aspiratori RadonAway in Italia.
Cerchi un professionista del Radon per un’indagine approfondita del tuo immobile? Contattaci al numero 0222197130 o tramite e-mail all’indirizzo [email protected]
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